Using charcoal after roughing in the main drawing I will then continue to paint the ground work in and plan on completing this painting using “The Zorn Palette” which consists of 4 colours Cadmium red, Ivory black, White and Yellow Ochre. I have never used a 4 colour palette before so will be an experimental piece so hopefully this works out. We will soon find out.Canvas size is 50cm x 50cm

Thought I would show the difference between the beginning of a painting and one nearly finished. As you can see the picture on the left just shows the ground work and initial drawing before blocking in any paintwork.
As you can see I have been making progress and slowly getting there. At the moment I still have lots of work to complete on the hood and the background has yet to be blocked in also. Overall though I am learning a lot using this 4 Colour palette.
Experimenting with the “The Zorn Palette” ,I am not sure what the final results will be but if you look at both pictures in contrast to each other Im sure you will see the distance that I have yet to travel before I see any progress. The amount of work and time that goes into every piece I start is immense as you can see from the painting on the right hand side of the picture. Both Paintings shown are sitting beside each other and not superimposed.

This is a close up of my painting entitled “SURFER” which is now finished

Finally finished and have decided to enter this piece also into the Royal Ulster Academy Exhibition which is to take place in the Ulster Museum in Belfast. Hoping by submitting it alongside my other piece its shows a strong contrast between both my paintings demonstrating my ability to work in colour and composition. Next hurdle is to be accepted into the exhibition.